South Carolina Care Planning CouncilSouth Carolina Care Planning Council
South Carolina Reverse Mortgages

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South Carolina Reverse Mortgage & HECM Services

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South Carolina Reverse Mortgage & HECM Services

For the convenience of the public, the ScCPC has listed the providers above to show what services may be available in South Carolina. We cannot verify the business practice nor the background of these providers. As a result, we do not provide their contact information. If you wish to contact a member of our council regarding any of the services listed above, please fill out the form below and a council member will contact you. Please be aware that your information may be shared with other members of the council who might be able to help you as well. Read Our Disclaimer.

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Book: How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging Seniors

    How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging SeniorsAging seniors and their families are often confounded by the complexity of issues facing the elderly. This book takes a comprehensive approach to address these challenges and provide solutions.

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About Reverse Mortgages

    For many seniors in South Carolina the equity in their home is their largest single asset, yet it is unavailable to use unless they use a home-equity loan. But a conventional loan really doesn't free up the equity because the money has to be paid back with interest.

    A reverse mortgage is a risk-free way of tapping into home equity without creating monthly payments and without requiring the money to be paid back during a person's lifetime. Instead of making payments the cash flow is reversed and the senior receives payments from the bank. Thus the title "reverse mortgage".

    Many seniors are finding they can use a reverse mortgage to pay off an existing conventional mortgage, to create money for a down payment for a second home or to pay off debt. Popularity is skyrocketing. Over the last five years the number of reverse mortgages nationwide has tripled. The uses of this untapped wealth are only limited by a person's imagination.

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